MIPS Data Validation Audit (DVA) 2022: Everything You Need to Know

If you're participating in the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), there's crucial information you need to be aware of for Performance Year (PY) 2022. As the importance of data integrity in healthcare continues to gain emphasis, CMS has taken steps to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the data reported under MIPS. Here's what you need to know:

1. DVA Commencement: The MIPS Data Validation and Audit (DVA) for PY 2022 is set to kick off in November 2023.

2. The CMS-Guidehouse Collaboration: CMS has joined hands with Guidehouse to execute the DVAs for MIPS eligible clinicians or groups. This move is in alignment with the regulatory guidelines, emphasizing the need for MIPS eligible entities to comply with all data sharing requests diligently.

3. Communication Alert: For those selected for the DVA, notifications will be directed to the Security Official associated with your Health Care Quality Information Systems Access, Roles, and Profile (HARP) account. It's essential to ensure that your contact details in the HARP system are up to date. The official communication will come from Guidehouse, specifically from MIPS_DVA_Request@guidehouse.com.

4. What's Expected of You: Those selected for DVA should brace themselves for notifications and initial information requests between November 2023 and March 2024. It's vital to keep in mind that you'll have a 45-day window from the notification date to provide all primary source documents, including claims, pertinent medical records, and other resources used in MIPS data calculations.

5. The Stakes: Failure to comply with the DVA requests could lead to payment adjustments and an increased likelihood of being selected for future DVAs. Moreover, if you leverage a third-party for MIPS data submission, remember that the onus of providing complete and prompt audit documentation falls squarely on the MIPS participants.

6. Where to Get More Information: A comprehensive Factsheet for PY 2022 DVA is available at the MIPS DVA Fact Sheet PY 2022. For any DVA-related queries, Guidehouse can be reached at MIPS_DVA@guidehouse.com. Additionally, the Quality Payment Program Service Center is available at 1-866-288-8292 from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.

7. A Word of Caution: It's imperative not to send any Protected Health Information (PHI) or Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to the mentioned Guidehouse email addresses.

How Chirpy Bird Can Assist Your Practice:

Navigating the MIPS landscape can be intricate, but you don't have to do it alone. At Chirpy Bird, we understand the nuances and complexities involved. Whether you need audit support or monthly pay-as-you-go MIPS support, our dedicated team is here to guide medical practices like yours through every step of the MIPS journey, ensuring that you're not only compliant but also poised to maximize incentives and minimize penalties. With Chirpy Bird by your side, you can focus on what truly matters—delivering exceptional patient care—while we handle the rest.

Reach out to us today, and let's soar to new heights together!

hello@chirpybirdinc.com Phone: 888-647-7247


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