The Secret Recipe for MIPS Quality Measure Selection

Ok, this is a BIG deal. We are revealing HOW to select right quality measures for all of our exceptional-performer clients. Whether MIPS is an internal effort or you're working with a great consultant (wink), ensuring you pick the right measure can be the difference between failure and performance year maximum incentives.

Quality has been and will remain a huge component of your overall score. So how do we pick all the “right measures”? It’s a quick 5 step recipe.

What system do you use to gather quality measures and how will you be reported? 

You cannot report a measure that you do not have the means to collect. While there are HUNDREDS of measures available, not all can be reported via a registry, EHR, or claims. So right off the bat you likely have a limited list unless you’re willing to use a different means or mechanism to collect and report your quality data.

Determine where clinical opportunities exist.

Each measure has specifications. If you do not see a patient for a certain need, or a type of encounter or procedure code, you may not be able to use that measure. Review the broad or detailed specs and see what “applies” to the group or individual physician.

Examine the point potential. 

Check the decile possibilities on this limited list. Based on each measure and how it’s reported, you can check how well you will have to do to earn maximum points. The measure on your list may not have benchmarks or be topped out limited your overall point potential. You may want to remove or place a question mark next to those that could hinder your overall performance.

Consider data of burden collection.

The list you have should be relatively isolated now. So the next step in the recipe is to consider how easy or complex it may be to gather the data. For example, a stroke measure about a patient's last known “well time” and intervention time can be more difficult to gather than a “Yes” or “No” selection on a patient intake form.

The last step – take your shortlist to the clinical stakeholders.

You heard me right, now that the program category diligence is done and you have reasoned through what measures are possible along with why they may or may not be a good fit – now (and only now) should you ask the docs which ones they prefer.

Once you have your list all set, you can get started training on workflow, gathering data, and monitoring performance. Whether you submit as an individual or group the recipe for Quality measure selection is the same! Want more help and inside track on how to succeed? 

Continue to follow us over the next three weeks while we look at conquering Promoting Interoperability, Improvement Activities, and even Cost.

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