MIPS in March

With more than two months of 2023 gone, there's just a little more than nine months left to avoid a MIPS penalty and earn more than 75 out of 100 points. Here's how you should be spending your MIPS time and efforts during the month of March.


You should have already selected measures that are available in your system. These measures should have plenty of decile/point potential and be as simple as possible to capture. During this month, you need to begin collecting MIPS data. You also need to ensure that the quality standard selected for reporting is being tracked properly and that MIPS-eligible clinicians know how to successfully report data. Begin checking your reports, dashboards, or patient records to ensure you are getting credit for your measures. If not, March is a good time to train or retrain your team on workflow for quality data capture. As we like to say, "All measures, all patients, all the time!"

Promoting Interoperability

Now is the time to recall which measures were difficult to achieve last year. For many practices, these are the HIE objective measures. Regardless of the specific challenges within your EMR or practice, March is the time to connect with your vendors and review how to meet these measures. Understand how many times you may need to do something and how it can be done now. This will allow you plenty of time to earn the objective or measure points with little frustration during your own 90-day reporting window.

By making a MIPS roadmap for the year, you can easily track how many points are being earned each month and make adjustments as needed as you go.

Need more monthly guidance? Download our FREE "MIPS Month-by-Month 2023" eBook to stay on track. Then subscribe to our emails for the latest MIPS tips and tricks to earn your best score.

For personalized monthly support with no long-term commitments, call or email us for a quote to take your performance and incentives to the next level.


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