Understanding Improvement Activities for MIPS in 2023

This blog post will delve into the intricate workings of Improvement Activities in the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) program. Our goal is to help healthcare professionals maximize value and outcomes in healthcare through this program.

What are Improvement Activities in the MIPS Program?

Improvement Activities - a vital part of the MIPS program - assess how a practice improves its care processes, enhances patient engagement in care, and increases access to care. These activities are chosen based on the practice's appropriateness, and examples include ongoing care coordination, clinician and patient shared decision-making, and regular implementation of patient safety practices. These lead to safer practices, satisfied patients, and more efficient staff.

The Anatomy of an Improvement Activity

Each Improvement Activity comprises a title, description, sub-category, ID number, weight, and data validation requirements. The title provides a brief summary, while the description offers an in-depth explanation of the activity. 

Activities are categorized into eight themes or sub-groups based on the overall objectives of the activity. Each activity is assigned a unique ID by CMS and a weight (either medium or high), quantifying its impact on the overall MIPS score. Lastly, data validation requirements provide the specific evidence that CMS requires to validate that an activity has been completed.

Understanding the Sub-categories of Improvement Activities

Improvement Activities are divided into eight different sub-categories:

  1. Achieving Health Equity

  2. Behavioral and Mental Health

  3. Beneficiary Engagement

  4. Care Coordination

  5. Emergency Response and Preparedness

  6. Expanded Practice Access

  7. Population Management

  8. Patient Safety and Practice Assessment

Each of these categories encompasses activities targeted towards specific areas of healthcare improvement.

Clinician Participation and Performance Window

For an improvement activity to be counted, more than 50% of all eligible clinicians in a practice must participate in the activity for at least 90 continuous days during the performance period. This 90-day performance window need not be the first 90 days of the year but any continuous 90-day period (or more) within the performance calendar year.

How Many Activities are Needed?

Determining the number of activities needed depends on the unique circumstances of the clinician group. For groups with more than 15 clinicians, they can submit either two high-weighted activities, one high-weighted and two medium-weighted activities, or up to four medium-weighted activities. Smaller groups or those with special circumstances can submit either one high-weighted activity or two medium-weighted activities.

Data Validation and Record-Keeping

Keeping accurate and detailed records of Improvement Activities is crucial, as these records may be audited. They must include the start and end date of each activity, a description of the goals, outcomes, or metrics for each activity, a list of involved staff, the technology used, and more. Proper documentation will help demonstrate compliance with the Improvement Activities requirement and provide evidence in case of an audit.


Each eligible clinician, group, or virtual group can earn up to a maximum of 40 points in this performance category, regardless of the number of activities they submit.

Understanding MIPS Improvement Activities is essential for healthcare professionals aiming to provide high-quality and cost-effective care. By choosing the right activities, participating for the required time, and maintaining detailed records, practices can maximize their MIPS score, which translates to better healthcare outcomes for their patients. For additional resources on MIPS Improvement Activities for 2023, check out the QPP Category Page and QPP Resource Library.

Chirpy Bird Can Help

Navigating the complexity of MIPS, including selecting, documenting, and validating Improvement Activities, can be daunting. This is where Chirpy Bird Health IT Consulting can step in and provide crucial support. With a deep understanding of the MIPS landscape and an unwavering commitment to assisting healthcare professionals, our team offers comprehensive services to aid your practice. We help in selecting appropriate Improvement Activities tailored to your practice's unique needs, guide you in documenting these activities in a way that meets CMS requirements, and assist in the data validation process to ensure compliance. 

What sets us apart is our flexible, no long-term monthly subscription service, allowing us to support your MIPS efforts as and when you need us. With Chirpy Bird at your side, MIPS becomes less of a challenge and more of an opportunity to improve patient outcomes and maximize value in healthcare. 

Contact use today via email for a FREE quote hello@chirpybirdinc.com or by phone at 888-647-7247


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