MIPS 2022: Improvement Activities
The Improvement Activities (IA) category of MIPS, known for being one of the most consistent, remains at 15 points in 2022. However, there are seven new activities available to participate in this year.
The majority of these activities came about as a result of existing issues or challenges that were magnified by the pandemic. A couple of the new activities address emergency preparedness. Three of these new activities are related to a new IA sub-category of activities: Promoting Health Equity.
Implementation of a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Plan (Emergency Response and Preparedness)
Implementation of a Laboratory Preparedness Plan
Create and Implement an Anti-Racism Plan
Implement Food Insecurity and Nutrition Risk Identification and Treatment Protocols
Implementation of a Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) Approach to Clinical Practice (Behavioral and mental health)
Promoting Clinician Well-Being
Application of CDC’s Training for Healthcare Providers on Lyme Disease
Regardless of which activities you choose for your practice, some reminders for you include:
6 activities were removed this year
15 activities were modified
Pick the right number activities based on practice size and activity weight
More than 50% of all eligible clinicians must participate in your chosen activities
Perform those activities for a minimum of 90 days
Ensure adequate data validation and documentation for each activity, in case of audit.
If you still have questions about IA or you need help with your data validation for your chosen improvement activities, contact us at 888-647-7147 or by email at hello@chirpybirdinc.com